London's Top 8 Wonders in 2018

  发布时间:2024-09-22 00:59:07   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
In 2018, Atlas Obscura’s community marked “Want to Visit” more than one million times across our wor 。

In 2018, Atlas Obscura’s community marked “Want to Visit” more than one million times across our worldwide database of approximately 15,000 strange and unusual places. England’s capital city is packed with world-famous wonders like the London Bridge, Big Ben, and St. Paul’s Cathedral, but venture beyond its iconic attractions and you’ll experience the city in a whole new way.

Hidden wonders in London appeared eight times in our list of Top 100 places Atlas Obscura’s community most wanted to visit this year. Ranging from a ruined church that doubles as a secret garden to a 300-year-old tea shop, these historical and cultural sites are sure to make a visit to “The Old Smoke” more meaningful.

Other top destinations from 2018’s 100 most incredible places included New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Berlin.

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