Microsoft Surface: The Good, the Ugly and the Unknown

  发布时间:2024-09-22 05:36:04   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Out of nowhere, Microsoft had an announcement to make. Nothing concrete leaked ahead of the event ex 。

Out of nowhere, Microsoft had an announcement to make. Nothing concrete leaked ahead of the event except that it would be tablet-related. Everybody was skeptical, myself included.

The presentation began and it seemed like more of the same. Don't call it a tablet – it's the new "Surface"... boring. It's thin, but not much more than existing tablets. It has a kickstand... umm ok. A magnetic cover – yeah, we've seen that somewhere before. Oh, and it doubles as a super-thin keyboard. Wait, what?

That's how the announcement went. Microsoft nailed it. The company used secrecy to build hype, a favorite tactic of Apple, and ultimately managed to surprise most onlookers.

At least on paper, Surface tablets seem great. Here are some deeper thoughts on what Microsoft has done right so far and the challenges ahead.

The Good
  • The hardware is sleek and polished. USB, memory card storage andvideo output open a world of possibilities while remaining essentially atablet.
  • The kickstand and covers make this the most PC-like tablets we'veseen – in a good way. Windows 8 completes the package. Whether you like itor not, tons of people have been waiting for a fully functional desktop OSin this form factor, with this kind of polish. I can hear the Apple faithfulscreaming already.
  • Surface has two versions: one with an ARM chip, another withIntel inside. Some people insist that more than one version is confusing andit might be, but this is perhaps the only way Microsoft can attack low andhigh-end segments using the same operating system.
The Ugly
  • The brand name. "Microsoft Surface for Windows RT," seriously?Why not just Surface and Surface Pro?
  • The partner backstabbing. Whether HP, Dell and Acer knew aboutMicrosoft developing something is irrelevant. Moving forward, Microsoft willcompete for the same customers as their hardware partners. That said, thosecompanies haven't exactly seized their opportunity to rival the iPad. TheSurface Pro will not only compete with OEM tablets, but also their ultrabookofferings.
  • Although two versions will let Microsoft attack two price points,the average consumer might think both tablets are the same. The Pro and RTversions resemble each other closely, but the latter is comparativelylimited in hardware and software features, which could create confusion.
The Unknown
  • The experience. The single most important factor on any computertoday, let alone a tablet. Microsoft may claim that building both thehardware and software gives it a unique advantage, but unlike Apple,Microsoft doesn't have the process down pat. We haven't really seen Surfacetablets working and in action yet. Microsoft must go beyond novelty anddeliver instant-on access, great battery life and software that "justworks."
  • Availability. Windows RT models will presumably start selling inOctober when Windows 8 launches, and the Intel-packing, Surface Pro will come 3 months after that. A lot can happen in four months, let alone seven or eight – we are now talking 2013-ish for the Windows 8 Core i5 models here. Androidmay appear to be less of a threat today because of the ICS rollout issues,but Google is no sitting duck. Also, as months pass Apple will get closer tothe next iPad.
  • Pen input. Microsoft has been obsessed about pen input since theoriginal Tablet PC a decade ago. As long as this doesn't detract from themain tablet experience, I don't see how it could go wrong. With the propersoftware, it could be a win for Surface especially on corporateenvironments.
  • Price. Microsoft claimed the RT version would have pricingcompetitive with current ARM tablets, which could be anything from $400 to$600. The Surface Pro will be closer to ultrabooks, which start at about$800 and can go as high as $1,600. Because Surface is still a few monthsaway, I agree with Microsoft's decision not to set pricing yet. It knows howmuch the devices cost to build, but to disrupt the market come October, thecompany will have to undercut the iPad.
  • Distribution. This goes back to Microsoft backstabbing partners.Will Microsoft compete for shelf space with other Windows 8 tablet makers?How will it distribute Surface tablets besides the few Microsoft stores?Will they continue to innovate and support their branded tablets over time,or is this more of a one-time thing?

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