Washington, D.C., Democratic primary is last in nation.

  发布时间:2024-09-22 01:50:58   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Well, this has been fun, primary season, right? No? You disagree? It’s been “the worst,” and you’re 。

Well, this has been fun, primary season, right? No? You disagree? It’s been “the worst,” and you’re going to move to a hermit cabin in rural Manitoba and never speak to another human being besides Bob, the proprietor of the local general store, ever again? Fair enough, fair enough. In any case, the last primary election is the Democratic on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Clinton is apparently expected to win, though I can’t find any polling from the city; either way, she doesn’t need to win to guarantee herself the nomination. From Bloomberg:


Clinton and Sanders are expected to meet Tuesday to discuss issues relevant to a potential party-unifying concession on his part. From the New York Times:

Several people close to the senator, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private discussions, say he will try to get assurances from Mrs. Clinton that she will fight for many of his campaign policy proposals, including a $15-an-hour federal minimum wage, a jobs program tied to repairing the country’s infrastructure, and tuition-free public colleges and universities.

D.C. held Republican caucuses on March 12, by the way, in which party-establishment favorite Marco Rubio narrowly defeated John Kasich.

Read more Slate coverage of the 2016 campaign. 

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