Pale Blue smart USB

  发布时间:2024-09-22 10:01:19   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Batteries have a habit of running flat at the most inconvenient of times, and all too often that sto 。

Batteries have a habit of running flat at the most inconvenient of times, and all too often that stockpile you thought you had in the bottom drawer has run dry when you go hunting for a replacement. Continually buying batteries is expensive, and they're terrible for the environment, with Americans alone throwing away 10 million disposable batteries every single day. That's where Pale Blue comes in.

Pale Blue is the first smart USB rechargeable lithium polymer battery. These aren't like the old school rechargeables that had everyone so excited a few years ago, just to discover, they really don't work very well. One pack of Pale Blue USB rechargeable LiPo batteries can replace up to 4,000 alkaline batteries. That's right, 4,000 alkaline batteries can be replaced with only one pack – which means they can help save you thousands of dollars and make a positive impact on the planet at the same time.

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