NIS says Russia's help was behind N. Korea's successful satellite launch

  发布时间:2024-09-22 15:47:10   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
A new type of Chollima-1 rocket carrying a reconnaissance satellite called the Malligyong-1 sits on 。

A new type of Chollima-1 rocket carrying a reconnaissance satellite called the Malligyong-1 sits on the launching pad at the Sohae satellite launch site in Tongchang-ri in northwestern North Korea before its liftoff at 10:42 p.m., Nov. 21. in this photo released the next day by the North's official Korean Central News Agency. Yonhap

North Korea is believed to have received technological assistance from Russia for this week's successful launch of a military spy satellite, South Korea's intelligence agency was quoted as saying Thursday.

The National Intelligence Service (NIS) gave the assessment during a closed-door meeting of the parliamentary intelligence committee, saying it believes the North's satellite has successfully entered into orbit, according to Rep. Yoo Sang-bum of the ruling People Power Party.

"We believe there has been Russia's help behind the success," the NIS was quoted as saying.

Intelligence suggests that after the rare September summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Pyongyang provided data of its two failed satellite launch attempts and Moscow gave its analysis, the NIS reported.

"During the North-Russia summit, Putin publicly expressed his commitment to providing support for North Korea's launch vehicles. There is intelligence that the North provided blueprints and data related to the vehicles used in its first and second attempts and Russia provided its analysis," Yoo said, quoting the NIS.

Tuesday's launch came hours before the beginning of a 10-day launch window between Wednesday and Dec. 1, and the North is believed to have launched the rocket ahead of schedule to take advantage of optimal weather conditions, the NIS reported.

Based on an analysis of debris collected from the North's second launch attempt in August, the satellite at the time was believed to have a lower resolution than a "sub-meter class" satellite with reconnaissance capabilities, the NIS reported.

The agency also reported that the North is believed to be in an early stage in efforts to develop a solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and there have been no signs that the North could conduct its seventh nuclear test in the near future.

"We do not see a high chance of the North conducting a nuclear test in 2023. However, there is a possibility of the North carrying out a nuclear test at any time in 2024 depending on leader Kim Jong-un's decision," the NIS was quoted as saying.

The agency also reported the North is unlikely to conduct another satellite launch this year. (Yonhap)

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