England fans face stadium ban over crusader costumes in Qatar

  发布时间:2024-09-23 18:21:51   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
DOHA:England fans have been asked not to dress up in crusader costumes in order to avoid upsetting M 。

England fans have been asked not to dress up in crusader costumes in order to avoid upsetting Muslims at the World Cup in Qatar after a couple of supporters were seemingly led away by security this week.

Supporters often attend England matches dressed as St George, the patron saint usually depicted as a knight on horseback, although footage shared on Twitter appeared to show two

England fans wearing chain mail and helmets being turned around by officials prior to Monday's victory over Iran.

England fans have been asked not to dress up in crusader costumes in order to avoid upsetting Muslims at the World Cup in Qatar after a couple of supporters were seemingly led away by security this week.

Supporters often attend England matches dressed as St George, the patron saint usually depicted as a knight on horseback, although footage shared on Twitter appeared to show two England fans wearing chain mail and helmets being turned around by officials prior to Monday's victory over Iran.

Crusader costumes run the risk of offending the locals in Qatar, with the best-known Crusades taking place between 1095 and 1291 when Christian armies fought to seize Jerusalem and the surrounding area from Islamic rule.

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A spokesperson for anti-racism group Kick It Out has warned England fans against wearing the costumes to matches at the World Cup by insisting that they may not be taken kindly to by officials at stadiums in Qatar if they decide to dress up in such a manner.

"We would advise fans who are attending FIFA World Cup matches that certain attire, such as fancy-dress costumes representing knights or crusaders, may not be welcomed in Qatar and other Islamic countries," said the spokesperson.

"Foreign Office travel advice issued before the tournament expressed that fans should familiarise themselves with local customs, and we would encourage fans to take this approach."

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