PM underlines US role in denuke talks with NK

  发布时间:2024-09-22 08:27:35   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon stands to give a speech during a meeting with South Korean r 。
South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon stands to give a speech during a meeting with South Korean residents and businesspeople in Dublin,<strong></strong> Ireland, Wednesday.
South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon stands to give a speech during a meeting with South Korean residents and businesspeople in Dublin, Ireland, Wednesday.

By Park Ji-won

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon has emphasized the role of the United States in denuclearizing North Korea, saying that ensuring the security of the Kim Jong-un regime was key to resolving the issue.

"When it comes to the North's denuclearization, the U.S. has to play a main role as it is related to the issue of ensuring the North Korean regime's security," Lee told reporters while visiting Dublin, Ireland, as part of a European tour.

Lee emphasized South Korea and the U.S. had already made that clear in a joint declaration between the two countries made in June last year.

"The basic role of the U.S., (on who leads the denuclearization) was already settled in the joint declaration made by South Korea and the U.S."

"Regarding denuclearization, we decided to let the U.S. do the job during the Panmunjeom summit between the two Koreas. I am just stating the facts we already made clear in the joint declaration from the South and the U.S."

When asked about the possibility of Moon going to Singapore, Lee said "I cannot say there is a possibility yet as it is dependent on the specific agenda being made between the North and U.S."

He also mentioned the formula for denuclearization saying that "If the U.S. wants CVID (complete, verifiable, irreversible dismantlement) the North would want CVIG (complete, verifiable and irreversible guarantee). Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has already mentioned that if a CGIV settlement is made, he will submit it to the Senate and the House."

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